This course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, focuses on the common human resource ("people") challenges faced by existing private businesses when they attempt to grow substantially. PART 1 OF THE GROW TO GREATNESS COURSE IS NOT A PREREQUISITE FOR TAKING THIS COURSE.
Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part II
University of Virginia via Coursera
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- Course Overview
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- The Entrepreneur Must Grow Too!
- This week will look at the role of the entrepreneur in growing a business. The required reading is Edward D. Hess, “Barbara Lynch Gruppo: An Entrepreneurial Journey,” Case Study. There are two optional readings “Global Medical Imaging, LLC” and “Growth is the Dynamic Confluence of Strategy” in this module also.
- The Secret of High Performance is High Employee Engagement
- The required reading for this module is “Trilogy Health Services, LLC: Building a Great Service Company” by Gosia Glinkska and Edward D. Hess. There is an optional reading also: “Leaders Bank: Creating A Great Place To Work” Case Study.
- Growth is Much More Than a Strategy—It Requires a System
- The required reading is Edward D. Hess, “Room & Board” Case Study. The second required reading is “Growth Is Much More Than Just A Strategy: It’s A System.”
- Building a Senior Management Team
- The required reading is “SecureWorks.”
- Final Exam
- This is the final exam.
Taught by
Edward D. Hess
4.8 rating, based on 6 Class Central reviews
4.8 rating at Coursera based on 241 ratings
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