In order to effectively reach the goal of learning, students will get familiar with the model-building process. The second module of the course will be on how to use Autodesk Revit to build BIM models. We will use an example case and guide students to build a 6-story BIM model from the CAD drawings step by step.
Then, in the following three modules, we will introduce three essential BIM applications one by one in each module, namely clash detection, quantity takeoff, and 4D simulation. We will use Autodesk Revit and Navisworks to build our BIM models in this course.
- Initiation
- Modeling of a Building
- Model Integration and Clash Detection
- Quantity Takeoff
- 4D Simulation
- Closure
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very good and useful information but you have to have a good knowledge of revite and you have to have naviworks installed in your pc