Customers, especially those in the manufacturing, industrial, and automotive industries, can gain business value by adding machine data to the cloud. This course teaches operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) professionals how to bring machine data into the cloud as a prerequisite to more advanced innovation with data in the cloud.
   •   Course level: Fundamental
   •   Duration: 45 minutes
This course includes presentations, demonstrations, and videos.
Course objectives
In this course, you will learn to:
   •   Explain a data lake and its benefits
   •   Understand the foundational concepts of an industrial data lake
      •   Data collection
      •   Data normalization
      •   Data management
      •   Data security
   •   Explain the business of connecting a machine to an industrial data lake
   •   Describe two key industrial use cases
   •   Understand the process of connecting a machine to an industrial data lake on AWS
   •   Locate available resources for further learning on data applications, smart factories, and machine learning
Intended audience
This course is intended for:
   •   Infrastructure engineers
   •   Security engineers
   •   Systems operators
   •   Data engineers
   •   Data scientists
   •   Developers
   •   DevOps engineers
We recommend that attendees of this course have:
   •   Knowledge of or experience with operational technology or industrial technology
   •   Familiarity with the AWS console
Course outline
Module 1: Connecting Systems in the Cloud: Data lakes
   •   Introduction to Data Lakes
   •   A Modern Data Architecture
   •   Key Components of a Data Lake
   •   Data Lake Use Cases
Module 2: Connecting Systems in the Cloud: Industrial Data Lakes
   •   Industrial Data Lakes
   •   Industrial Manufacturing Industry Trends and Challenges
   •   Benefits of Connecting Machines to an Industrial Data Lake
   •   Use Cases
Module 3: Demonstration
Module 4: Next Steps and Further Learning
Module 1
In this module, you will learn foundational concepts of industrial data lakes for the manufacturing industry and how they can add value to a business. You will also learn about industry trends, challenges, and use cases.
Module 2
In this module, you will learn foundational concepts of industrial data lakes for the manufacturing industry and how they can add value to a business. You will also learn about industry trends, challenges, and use cases.
Module 3
In this demonstration, you will get a brief overview of common industrial cloud architecture. You will then observe a smaller use case featuring ingestion and monitoring a single piece of equipment into the AWS Cloud and into a data lake.
Module 4
This module provides recommendations and links to additional learning opportunities related to industrial data lakes.