Get to know the history of Artificial Intelligence and learn how to effectively use ChatGPT using different strategies to implement its responsible use in educational and work environments. Analyze different practical examples and apply your knowledge to complement your operational activities increasing your productivity. Study the ethical considerations, capabilities and limitations of platforms such as ChatGPT, enabling you to make conscious and responsible use of AI-assisted platforms.
ChatGPT - Uses and Strategies
Tecnológico de Monterrey via Coursera
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- Topic 1. History and fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, the essence of ChatGPT
- In this first topic we will review Artificial Intelligence (AI), which encompasses scientific, computer, and technological concepts that currently allow automating tasks and processes in educational, industrial, and work environments. The origins of AI date back to the 1930s, having its main milestones and developments from the 1990s to the present.
- Topic 2. Key concepts to effectively use ChatGPT
- ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence assisted tool that allows to generate content through text in natural language. Through an intuitive interface and an interactive communication channel, today it offers millions of users around the world great opportunities and benefits to complement and enhance activities in educational and work environments.
- Topic 3. Implementing ChatGPT responsibly in education and work environment
- This third topic explores the revolutionary impact of ChatGPT in the education and labor sectors leading to much interest and debate about its potential to accelerate transformation in these sectors. AI's capabilities are impressive when it comes to understanding natural language, answering questions, summarizing text, and creating new content thereby opening new opportunities to innovate in teaching and improve work efficiency, but at the same time there are concerns about its ethical use. Educators and employers should carefully consider how to implement ChatGPT in a way that promotes, rather than undermines, human input and creativity.
- Topic 4. Ethical considerations and frameworks in using ChatGPT
- This fourth theme focuses on deepening our understanding of the capabilities of ChatGPT, while emphasizing the need for an ethical approach to its use. Through critical analysis, we will address the challenges and controversies emerging around AI, highlighting the importance of sound ethical principles and strategies for its responsible implementation. The discussion extends beyond theoretical frameworks, putting forward concrete action plans that align technology with educational and organizational goals, thus promoting an effective and ethical integration of AI into our lives.
Taught by
Olaf Román and Luis Fernando Morán Mirabal