The course aims at helping students to be able to solve practical ML-amenable problems that they may encounter in real life that include: (1) understanding where the problem one faces lands on a general landscape of available ML methods, (2) understanding which particular ML approach(es) would be most appropriate for resolving the problem, and (3) ability to successfully implement a solution, and assess its performance.
A learner with some or no previous knowledge of Machine Learning (ML) will get to know main algorithms of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning, and Reinforcement Learning, and will be able to use ML open source Python packages to design, test, and implement ML algorithms in Finance.
Fundamentals of Machine Learning in Finance will provide more at-depth view of supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, and end up in a project on using unsupervised learning for implementing a simple portfolio trading strategy.
The course is designed for three categories of students:
Practitioners working at financial institutions such as banks, asset management firms or hedge funds
Individuals interested in applications of ML for personal day trading
Current full-time students pursuing a degree in Finance, Statistics, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, Engineering or other related disciplines who want to learn about practical applications of ML in Finance
Experience with Python (including numpy, pandas, and IPython/Jupyter notebooks), linear algebra, basic probability theory and basic calculus is necessary to complete assignments in this course.
- Fundamentals of Supervised Learning in Finance
- Core Concepts of Unsupervised Learning, PCA & Dimensionality Reduction
- Data Visualization & Clustering
- Sequence Modeling and Reinforcement Learning
Taught by
Igor Halperin
1.5 rating, based on 2 Class Central reviews
3.7 rating at Coursera based on 335 ratings
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Similar review as for 1st Course of the Specialization (Guided Tour of ML in Finance...) First very much interested by the topic, where I have some professional knowledge. Unfortunately this MOOC is subject of strong disappointment: some videos rai…
The syllabus is promising but the course is ultimately a failure due to poor teaching quality. The substance of the educational content is lacking and many topics are handled very superficially. The instructor delivers neither practical intuition on the topics nor a technical explanation. I strongly suggest that the instructor reflect on his teaching method and consider focus grouping his presentation prior to releasing it broadly.