Miracles of Human Language: An Introduction to Linguistics
Leiden University and Meertens instituut (KNAW) via Coursera
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Everywhere, every day, everybody uses language. There is no human society, no matter how small or how isolated, which does not employ a language that is rich and diverse. This course introduces you to linguistics, featuring interviews with well-known linguists and with speakers of many different languages. Join us to explore the miracles of human language!
The Miracles of Human Language introduces you to the many-faceted study of languages, which has amazed humans since the beginning of history. Together with speakers of many other languages around the world, as well as with famous linguists such as Noam Chomsky and Adele Goldberg, you will learn to understand and analyse how your native tongue is at the same time similar and different from many other languages. You will learn the basic concepts of linguistics, get to know some of the key features of big and small languages and get insight into what linguists do.
This course gives an introduction into the study of languages, the field of linguistics. With the support of the basic linguistic terminology that is offered in the course, you will soon be able to comment both on variety between languages, as well as on a single language’s internal structure. Anyone who wishes to understand how languages work, and how they can give us insight into the human mind is very welcome to join.
The course is useful if you want to get a fairly quick introduction into linguistics, for instance because you are considering studying it further, or because you are interested in a neighbouring discipline such as psychology, computer science or anthropology. Furthermore, the course will help you develop analytical skills.
If you are curious to understand how language works and how it gives insight into the human mind, this course is definitely for you!
- Introduction to Linguistics
- In this first week, we will try to determine what makes language human: why do (almost) all human beings have a language, and what makes human language different from animal communication systems? We will furthermore discuss the many different places where linguists work, and the many different methodologies that they use for conducting their research. You will moreover get to know all the other participants in this MOOC: my students Inge and Marten, as well as the speakers of six different languages. Finally, don't forget to watch our first expert interview: Marten and Inge have talked with Dr. Victoria Nyst of Leiden University, who has enlightened us in the fascinating world of sign languages! For the assignments with the support of Ethnologue, please make sure to study the instructions listed in 'required and optional readings' of this module.
- The study of sound: Phonology and Phonetics
- In this module we will delve into what appear to be the smallest building blocks of spoken language: 'sounds'. As we will see however, all is not what it seems, as we will in fact encounter an even smaller building block of language, a true atom. Another interesting thing about this module is that as of this week our 6 informants will all only speak their own language. Naturally, there is also an interview with my very special friend Prof. dr. Claartje Levelt, whom I have announced before.
- The study of words and sentences: Morphology and Syntax
- In this module we will discuss words and sentences. All languages have them; but as I will illustrate, they can be organized in very different ways in different languages. I will furthermore demonstrate what cupcakes have in common with words in a sentence. This module's interview is with one of the most cited and re-knowned linguists alive, Prof. Noam Chomsky! Finally, our 6 language informants will provide us with information about the word order in their languages.
- The study of meaning: Pragmatics and Semantics
- This module deals with a topic which many of you find very interesting: meaning. How do we determine what a word means? To what extent does our language influence our thinking? How can we change the world with language? As usual, we also have an additional interview with an expert of the current module's theme: in this module Barend Beekhuizen talks to Inge and Marten about his work as a Leiden PhD student in computational linguistics.
- Language in the Brain
- This module features all of the well-known parts of the current MOOC. Informants tell us about speech errors in their native tongue, I discuss everyday mistakes with my students Marten and Inge, and we have an interview with Prof. Niels Schiller of Leiden University. He discusses with us his own research among others. We moreover go on a little outing, to see linguists in their natural habitat! Furthermore, thanks to our friends at 'Babel, -The Language Magazine' we have some interesting reading for you. For example, linguist Jörg Schwyter tells us all about how he had to deal with aphasia, and how that has influenced him as a multilingual speaker.
- Language in the Society
- In the previous modules we have dissected the structure of languages, but now we will study language in its real context: how does language change? How do people use language to be polite? Our informants are demonstrating their acting skills, and furthermore we have an interview with Prof. Adele Goldberg! She presents us with an alternative view of language, compared to the one as previously discussed by Prof. Chomsky in the third module.
Taught by
Marc van Oostendorp
4.6 rating, based on 107 Class Central reviews
4.7 rating at Coursera based on 2445 ratings
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A good course with many interesting and unique insights into the field of Linguistics. The language informants was a good idea. As hearing and seeing how different languages and cultures differ and are similar is a very nice addition to the course.…
I took this course to gain a basic, beginning-level understanding (not for credit), and it did provide me that. Overall, I enjoyed the learning opportunity. I wish I could give a better rating, but unfortunately there were some aspects of the mechan…
I've always been passionate about language, and I am very grateful that this MOOC provided me with the opportunity to gain some beginner-level insights into the field of linguistics. The lecture videos were fantastic - short, to the point, and givin…
I genuinely loved this course. The videos are informative without being patronising, but also don't feel too overwhelming or high of a level for someone who hasn't studied linguistics at university level. The professor is friendly and welcoming, and…
I'm so mad at this course. First I wrote 'bad' by mistake but actually that's true as well. I only passed the tests for the second-third time and it made me so frustrated because I had been really looking forward to learn linguistics, paid attention…
The course is good, overall. But the quizzes focus on the tiny details that the professor whizzed past in the videos. Even when I watch the videos twice or three times, I still don't know the answer to the question asked in the quizzes. Other than that, it's a cool introductory course for linguistics.
This class was very informative and helped me learn a lot of things regarding linguistics. The videos were laid out nicely and the concepts were explained pretty well. One problem I had with it though is that there are a lot of clear mistakes, making you wonder if they even looked over the videos before posting them to here. For instance, many of the IPA transcriptions in the second section are blatantly wrong, making it difficult to do the test, and many other video editing mistakes that were distracting. Overall, it's a good course, but expect there to be mistakes.
An excellent introduction to some aspects of linguistics. I have been curious about the subject for years and this introduction will allow me to understand more in other classes that I take. I only wish there was more chance for asking questions and getting feedback. The course is about 10 years old, and I’m not sure anyone actually looks at the answers that we give. Nonetheless, it is an excellent course for an introduction to the subject.
This is probably the first linguistics course offered on Coursera. The course material is very engaging, and the instructors are fantastic. I especially liked the interaction sessions between the Professor and his two students Martin and Inge. The interview with Noam Chomsky was another great highlight.
The assignments are really interesting, as they deepen your knowledge of the course material. -
An engaging and informative course with clear explanations and informants from a range of linguistic backgrounds. Highly recommended!
I found this course fun and interesting especially for someone who is just dipping his toes in the world of linguistics in a broad sense. The videos and the content were varied and interesting and in general, seemed relevant and up to date. Some o…
I'm a linguistics nerd, so I thoroughly enjoy courses that discuss linguistic concepts. I liked the setup of the course into six units, addressing very relevant topics in linguistics. The accompanying videos were entertaining, including the native s…
I can confidently say that this course is an alternative option for all those who could not pass or did not have enough time to study at university. In my case, I took this course because at university my discipline was not worthwhile and I abandoned the subject. Instead, I took the course here. And I am happy with the course. It is very convenient to study here because you can make a study plan for different days, unlike in the university. you can study even during lunch. The materials are not complicated and the lecturers explained the topics quite productively, there were different interviews with different people and one of them was very popular others even know him from various fields.
This course was everything I had hoped for and so much more. It's extremely interesting and challenged me to view aspects of language from many different angles. It also opened my eyes to other possible fields within language studies, which I had not considered or didn't even know of until now.
The professor, students and guest speakers were all very knowledgeable, professional and clear in their explanations.
The course itself was well structured and different media was used to help explain and explore the coursework.
I cannot recommend this course enough to anyone who is interested in linguistics. -
I would highly recommend this course! As someone who is trying to figure out what course they want to study at university, this course helped me to understand the basics of linguistics and make a more informed decision. The videos are great, and not too long, and the end-of-module tests are quite easy for the most part. My only gripe would be that some of the reading materials do not work, but they aren't necessary. In the first week or two, the course stresses the importance of Ethnologue, but a new site design means that you can't access it fully. Don't worry, as after the first two weeks it is not needed!
I loved this course! When I started the course, I had just finished Guy Deutscher's The Unfolding of Language, so I was very interested in phonetics and grammar. In MOOC, more than just phonetics, I had the opportunity to learn about semantics, prag…
The course builds up through videos, discussions with students, interviews with specialists, reading articles and also some practical elements of analyzing deferent languages, some familiar and some of them less familiar like Tarifit Berber. The vi…
I really enjoyed this course! I was always interested in languages and this was a first linguistics course I took. The course is logical, well structured for beginners - easy enough to understand, challenging enough to make you actually sit, read,…
Overall, I really enjoyed this course and would highly recommend it to other language enthusiasts. It gives a very broad overview over the different disciplines of linguistics, with practical examples and with really interesting interview guests for…
Incredible course. If you're interested in language as a way of communication, in language as a structure, in language as a way to understand better the human being, this introductory course is fantastic for that. I really enjoying doing the course, because I really like languages.