Innovation for Entrepreneurs: From Idea to Marketplace
University of Maryland, College Park via Coursera
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Develop insights on navigating the innovation process from idea generation to commercialization. Build knowledge on how to create strategies to bring innovations to market. Develop an innovation portfolio and business model canvas for your venture.
We establish a framework for examining the innovation process, and quickly transition into exploring how to successfully bring innovations to market. Key questions answered within the course include:
* What are the key indicators of innovation opportunities?
* What steps are critical for entrepreneurs to bring innovations to the marketplace?
* What innovation strategies are valuable for new ventures to establish and maintain a competitive advantage?
With this course, students experience a sampling of the ideas and techniques explored in the University of Maryland's master's degree in technology entrepreneurship, an innovative, 100% online program. Learn more at
- Introduction
- This module includes a welcome to the course, an orientation to our teaching approach and faculty, and an introduction to the fundamentals of innovation and commercialization.
- Customer Discovery and Validation
- This modules provides an overview of the customer discovery process, and insights on customer validation. The opportunities and challenges of planning, conducting, and analyzing customer interviews are also discussed.
- Product Understanding and Marketing
- This module explores the commercialization process with an emphasis on research-based product planning and market segmentation.
- Prototyping and Testing
- This modules introduces key principles of product (or service) prototyping and testing, and highlights tools to use in these activities.
- Building a Team
- This modules addresses how to find, hire, and motivate your employees.
Taught by
Thomas Mierzwa
3.2 rating, based on 8 Class Central reviews
4.6 rating at Coursera based on 692 ratings
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Just another innovation course out there...
Not really worth the time - expectec something more after the JGreen course on entrepreneurship. -