Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship
University of Maryland, College Park via Coursera
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This course assists aspiring and active entrepreneurs in developing great ideas into great companies. With strong economies presenting rich opportunities for new venture creation, and challenging economic times presenting the necessity for many to make their own job, the need to develop the skills to develop and act on innovative business opportunities is increasingly vital.
Using proven content, methods, and models for new venture opportunity assessment and analysis, you will learn how to:
* Identify and analyze entrepreneurial opportunities;
* Enhance your entrepreneurial mindset;
* Improve your strategic decision-making; and
* Build innovative business models.
Our goal is to demystify the startup process, and to help you build the skills to identify and act on innovative opportunities now, and in the future.
With this course, students experience a sampling of the ideas and techniques explored in the University of Maryland's master's degree in technology entrepreneurship, an innovative, 100% online program. Learn more at
- Introduction to Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- This module includes a welcome to the course, an orientation to our teaching approach and faculty, and an introduction to the fundamentals of innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Entrepreneurial Mindset, Motivations, and Behaviors
- This module explores entrepreneurial thinking with attention to entrepreneurial mindset, entrepreneurial motivations, and entrepreneurial behaviors.
- Industry Understanding
- This module examines how to recognize entrepreneurial opportunities based on market conditions and industry factors.
- Customer Understanding and Business Modeling
- This module introduces approaches to understanding customers, developing compelling solutions, and crafting winning business models.
Taught by
James Green
4.1 rating, based on 32 Class Central reviews
4.7 rating at Coursera based on 1403 ratings
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The content of this course might appear rather simple and basic, but the best part is that it is rather well-structured and really helps you get your thinking organized in a systematic way. A good (if somewhat surface-level), precursor to more advan…
Very informative but take note it is time consuming watching the videos. You can pass the weekly assignments/quizzes just referring to the book that is used and the lecture slide pdfs but you will miss out on the interactive feeling of the classroom and some good thoughts and ideas. If you are planning a startup, I would recommend this course as a good guide and inspiration.
Quite a great way starting to understand the concept of entrepreneurship.The ideals are explained in brief along with examples and the study material is of great help.
Good Course..... It should be recommended to everyone of bachelors and masters students...... I learn many of things in this course....
Recomend it for anyone thinking about starting a business.
Very complete checklist type course with good examples and powerfull guidelines.
The lecturer is very well prepared and the homework takes some time.
I am really interested to progress studying this course and finish understandably. Every person interests this course and I am of those who are interested Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies
Helpful for people aspiring to become entrepreneurs. power point presentations proved to b effective . the discussions students engaged in during sir james class was worth it.
Great course I have enjoyed it.
I liked the part of selecting an industry
it really focuses on the early beginning of an entrepreneur
excellent lecturer prof. J Green -