This course provides those involved in educating members of the health professions an asynchronous, interdisciplinary, and interactive way to obtain, expand, and improve their teaching skills. These skills can then be applied within their own professional context, with a variety of learners, extending across many stages.
After completing this course, learners will:
1. Understand educational theory as it relates to health professions education
2. Match instructional methods with desired educational outcomes
3. Learn a variety of applied teaching techniques
4. Share successful teaching strategies
Suggested resources will include educational videos, individual readings, recommended
reference books, and crowd-sourced recommendations. All students should have
dependable access to the internet with video streaming capabilities. Some students
may want the ability to utilize on-line video conferencing as well.
Instructional Methods in Health Professions Education
University of Michigan via Coursera
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- Unit 1 - Adult Learning Theory
- In this unit you will learn about adult learning theory, including learning styles and motivation, metacognition, social learning theory, and professional identity formation.
- Unit 2 - Intended Learning Outcomes
- In this unit you will learn about formulating Intended Learning Outcomes, including Bloom's Taxonomy, Miller's pyramid and clinical competence, and Dreyfus' model of skill acquisition.
- Unit 3 - Instructional Design and Individual Assessment
- In this unit you will learn about instructional design and individual assessment, including multiple-choice question writing, skill assessment, oral presentation, and rubrics and standardization.
- Unit 4 - Instructional Techniques: Knowledge Transfer
- In this unit you will learn about knowledge transfer, including active learning in large lecture formats, supportive questioning, and "Big Ticket" technique.
- Unit 5 - Instructional Techniques: Skill Development
- In this unit you will learn about skill development, including simulation, teaching with data, and clinical reasoning.
- Unit 6 - Instructional Techniques: Attitudes
- In this unit you will learn about attitudes in instructional techniques, including reflection, feedback, and incorporating art, music, and theatre.
- Unit 7 - Instructional Techniques: Teaching with Technology
- In this unit you will learn about teaching with technology, including large lecture format, synchronous versus asynchronous formats, and high fidelity clinical simulations.
Taught by
Caren Stalburg
4.5 rating, based on 2 Class Central reviews
4.7 rating at Coursera based on 509 ratings
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This class is a *mainly* theory class although they do talk about particular instructional skills in some of the lectures. The lectures cover adult learning theory, intended learning outcomes, instructional design and assessment, teaching technolog…