iOS App Development Basics, the second course in the iOS App Development with Swift specialization, expands your programming skills and applies them to authentic app development projects. The topics covered in this course include Xcode basics, Core iOS and Cocoa Touch frameworks, simple user interface creation, MVC Architecture and much more. With a focus on using Apple’s components to access sensors like camera, microphone and GPS, by the end of this course you will be able to create a basic App according to specified parameters and guidelines.
Currently this course is taught using Swift 2. The team is aware of the release of Swift 3 and will be making edits to the course in time. Please be aware that at this time the instruction is entirely with Swift 2.
- Welcome to iOS App Development Basics
- Further Introduction to XCode
- In this unit we will describe basic functions of XCode and other tools. Within a guided tutorial process, create a simple app from beginning through to compilation that runs on a device.
- UIKit and the Interface Builder
- Here we dive into layouts and some user interface elements.
- Advanced UI Concepts
- Here we begin to really add elegance to our UI
- Final Peer Assignment - App Functionality
- At this point we have written the basic user interface for our image filtering app. In this assignment you will implement remaining functionality, and then extend and refine the UI. For bonus marks you can try implementing a more advanced filter selection UI using the UICollectionView API.
Taught by
Parham Aarabi
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