Are leaders born or made? Learn the essential skills to develop and expand your leadership repertoire, design teams for collaboration, and craft win-win negotiation strategies. High Performance Collaboration: Leadership, Teamwork, and Negotiation focuses on leadership, teamwork, and negotiation. Students will engage in self-assessments to analyze their leadership style, develop team charters to optimize their groups, and develop a game plan for effective negotiation.
Recurring course sessions repeat every 2 weeks on Monday with an enrollment period of 5 days.
High Performance Collaboration: Leadership, Teamwork, and Negotiation
Northwestern University via Coursera
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- Introduction to the Organizational Leadership Specialization
- This course is the first in Northwestern's Organizational Leadership Specialization which represents a collaboration between four of Northwestern’s schools. Watch these videos with four of Northwestern’s deans for their perspectives on leadership and what you will learn in the specialization.
- Leadership
- Learn how to cultivate your leadership skills and coach others.
- Teamwork
- Learn how to optimally design a team for success.
- Negotiation
- Learn how to negotiate in a collaborative fashion in large and small business situations.
Taught by
Leigh Thompson
5.0 rating, based on 6 Class Central reviews
4.8 rating at Coursera based on 3223 ratings
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It was a great experience. even when things came up and I got behind, there was never the feeling of being left behind or abandoned. They offered alternative solutions to get you right back on track
In working with Dr. Thompson through the development of the content, scripts and production it is wonderful that participants are recognizing the value of this course as well as the energy! Below are some participant comments / stories: "One of th…
This is a really good course from Northwestern and Prof. Leigh Thompson. The course covers the topics of Leadership, Teamwork and Negotiation. Each lecture is approximately 5-7 minutes in which Prof. Thompson explains the key concepts, the research or data behind the concepts and summarizes key points on how to apply them. She clearly has a lot of experience in both research as well as working with companies and management in implementing these concepts. As an example, one totally non intuitive concept I learnt was that individuals are more creative than teams. There is research to back this up. And Prof. Thompson explains strategies for making teams creative. Really worthwhile course as a very good introduction to these topics.
Great job this is important topic and a good subject. It is necessary to learn before leadership. Team work is best work rather than single. Negotiations is necessary in all fields.
This course suitable to managers and people who need to negotiate with others to influence them. Its delivered with high energy and enthusiasm