Deliver value quickly and sustainably. Learn to use learn software development to optimize systems and create value.
- Delivering value quickly and sustainably
- What you should know
- What is lean software development?
- Seven key principles
- Understanding value is key
- Optimize the whole
- Necessary vs. unnecessary waste
- Seven common wastes of software development
- The biggest myths of lean
- Quality drives speed
- Seek frequent feedback
- Refactor as you go
- Implement mistake-proofing
- Think like a scientist
- Commit as late as possible
- Adopt set-based design
- Learn and solve problems with A3s
- Implement a Kanban system
- Approaches to limiting work in progress
- Optimize for flow, not utilization
- Deliver frequent, small batches
- Engage in self-direction
- Foster psychological safety
- Advocate for lean leadership
- Next steps
Taught by
Julia Wester