Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading
Georgia Institute of Technology via Coursera
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This course explores the topic of solid objects subjected to stress and strain. The methods taught in the course are used to predict the response of engineering structures to various types of loading, and to analyze the vulnerability of these structures to various failure modes. Axial loading with be the focus in this course.
The copyright of all content and materials in this course are owned by either the Georgia Tech Research Corporation or Dr. Wayne Whiteman. By participating in the course or using the content or materials, whether in whole or in part, you agree that you may download and use any content and/or material in this course for your own personal, non-commercial use only in a manner consistent with a student of any academic course. Any other use of the content and materials, including use by other academic universities or entities, is prohibited without express written permission of the Georgia Tech Research Corporation. Interested parties may contact Dr. Wayne Whiteman directly for information regarding the procedure to obtain a non-exclusive license.
- Welcome
- Stress and Strain Fundamentals
- In this section, we will study the fundamentals of stress and strain as applied to Mechanics of Materials.
- Stress-Strain Diagrams, Material Properties, and Shear Stress and Strain
- In this section, we will develop stress-strain diagrams, discuss material properties, and look more in depth at shear stress and strain.
- Stresses on Inclined Planes
- In this section, we will develop the stress transformation equations for inclined planes and introduce Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress
- Stress concentrations, Mohr’s Circle for Plane Strain, and measuring strains
- In this section, we will learn about stress concentrations, and discuss plane strain, develop Mohr’s Circle for Plane Strain, and explore methods of measuring strain.
- Generalized Hooke’s Laws, Factor of Safety, Non-linear behavior and Plasticity, Statically Indeterminate Structures, and Thermal Effects
- In this section, we will conclude the course by discussing the topics of the generalize Hooke’s Laws for Isotropic materials, factors of safety, nonlinear behavior and plasticity, statically indeterminate structures, and thermal effects in mechanics of materials.
Taught by
Dr. Wayne Whiteman, PE
4.7 rating, based on 110 Class Central reviews
4.8 rating at Coursera based on 3466 ratings
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I took this course as a refresher course for the Mechanics I course I took in college, Statics of Rigid Bodies, which I mostly forgot but still lingered in my mind. The course is divided into modules, each starting off with the objectives, or what…
amazing course , The Stress-Strain Program course provides an in-depth exploration of material behavior under various loads, blending theoretical concepts with practical applications. It covers essential topics like elastic and plastic deformation,…
I highly recommend the series of Mechanical Engineering courses offered by Dr. Whiteman. The courses are self contained if taken in order, and all the theorems given are developed in the class, no formulas are thrown at you, so you can understand w…
First of all, I would like thank Dr. Wayne for making such a course available to us for free. I very much like the framework of this course as well as the teaching methodology of Dr. Wayne. The way he links theory part with the modern practical world is commendable.
But there are some mistakes in the quiz. For example in quiz 2, the solution of Q.3 was wrong as tan inverse(0.001) is not equal to 0.001 . So the answer must be 95500 instead of what was given. It would be very kind if you correct the mistake and give me the appropriate marks .
Sir you the best teacher that I have met, please keep providing such courses for us. Best Wishes! -
Prof. Whiteman is a great teacher. His enthusiasm and passion while educating students is very inspiring. He has the power to inspire students to appreciate the concepts of engineering and relate them through real world applications. Definitely a worthy MOOC course for all aspiring design engineering students.
Dr. Wayne Whiteman who teaches this course, is an excellent teacher and I am extremely impressed by his clarity and proficiency of concepts of the course.Though I am from electronics engineering background,I got so hooked to his teaching of mechanical engineering concepts that I joined four of his courses and enjoyed them thoroughly.I take this opportunity to thank him .
Awesome teaching video. I had zero background in mechanics though quite good in maths. The lecture delivery in the video was engaging & illustrative. The whole course was paced with quizzes in between to make sure students follow & master the earlier before progressing further. Very effective learning outcome !
I had learnt these theories in University. but they were not in my mind, because at that time everything was examination based. but following this course I could get knowledge and I knew how they are applied in real world. specially I am a FEA engineer and this course helped me to understand outcome of my FEA simulation very precisely.
This is a fundamental and very important subject for a Mechanical engineer. This MOOC created an interest to learn the subject and solve numerical, which helped me in better understanding. You can see the affection and efforts of the Dr. Wayne Whiteman in delivering these lectures. Thank you very much!
The course is very relevant to Mechanical, Civil, Industrial engineers. The instructor explains the thing very well, and everything is best viz. knowledge, explanation, examples, practicality, etc. Thanks a lot to the instructor (Prof. Wayne Whiteman, PE) for designing the course.
It was a great course. I have learned many new things that will help me in my career to achieve something.
I have joined course on Coursera Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading on Dated 06 May 2020 Free .Now I have to Purchase the Course For Certificate. What is the procedure
tomorrow i have a quiz of mechanics of materials at 10:00 AM
can someone help
but the answer should be 100% correct to pass the course -
I took this course as a review of concepts I learned in my Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Civil Engineering a few years back. I have also never taken a Coursera course prior to this and was initially weary as online courses tend to be shallow…
Mechanics of Materials I: Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading is design perfectly to understand each and every basic things about Stress and Strain. Explanation from Dr. Wayne Whiteman is smooth and understandable. I accidentally came across this course and I feel I could have found it earlier. This is clearing me all the basic concepts in Stress and Strain and Its very helpful for my further research. And I am looking an online course in Fracture Mechanics and Fatigue Failure, It will be very helpful if I able to find that too here learn.
Thank you so munch . -
Your doing pretty well sir,I hope you will continue the same in our journey till end.
Thank you for your online course during this lockdown period as we are quite bored in home instead of going out and studying and enjoying with friends.
I hope you will explain all the topics clearly till the end.please Make sure that you come up with relevant topics with my civil department in order to help us think outside the box.Help us gaining more and more knowledge of known subject also.I wish you a great best of luck for you and me in this journey.
Thank you. -
The course was great before joining the course I was unable to solve even a single question as already taught in my university my confidence was very low because all my friends can solve question had a good grip in the subject. finally thanks to coursera i found this course and I was consistent to complete the course. this was only possible because of the professor he taught us in a greater way yes it took time to learn but finally I learned it thanks to sir who helped me to learn and now I had regained my confidence
This course is explained in a very simplified manner stepwise. Syllabus is covered fully topicwise. Although this course requires prior knowledge of basic mechanics otherwise it will be slightly difficult to understand few modules. Quiz pattern is excellent which helps to get a better grip with the concepts. I am happy with learning this course as I have invested my time in learning some good concepts very effectively.
Thanks to Prof. Whiteman for this great session. -
Very good teaching.
Really helpful in understanding the basic for MOM.
Assignments are based on the modules so it is important to learn them properly and give it your best shot.
Questions can be raised on daily basis if u haven't understood anything and the professor will himself solve it for you.
So yeah for all those mechanical engineers out there take this course .....It's really helpful -
The course is really well structured, with small videos easy to follow and 3 final exercises each week. Since the videos are not long, they are adequate to be watched over and over until no doubt persist. Overall, it is a really good course with 3 additional courses to follow next to this one. The four courses give a full picture of typical Machanics of Materials theories and applications.