The Mediterranean, a Space of Exchange (from the Renaissance to Enlightenment)
University of Barcelona via Coursera
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The course The Mediterranean, a Space of Exchange (from Renaissance to Enlightenment) aims to explain the Mediterranean, using history and the analysis of the past, as a space generated by routes and circulation. We consider it crucial to disclose mobility as a historical factor: a mobility comprised of four major elements, namely people, objects, ideas and practices. In our analysis of Mediterranean reality between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment, we will pay particular attention to its western shores, an area seething with transfers and exchanges, in the social and economic spheres as well as the political and cultural, with the Iberian Peninsula, the various islands and the Italian Peninsula, all spaces of great dynamism.
El curso El Mediterráneo, espacio de intercambios (del Renacimiento a la Ilustración) quiere explicar, desde la historia y el análisis del pasado, el Mediterráneo como un espacio generado por las rutas y las circulaciones. Consideramos necesario divulgar la movilidad como factor histórico. Una movilidad centrada en cuatro grandes ámbitos: las personas, los objetos, las ideas y las prácticas. Al analizar la realidad mediterránea entre los siglos XV y XIX, del Renacimiento a la Ilustración, ponemos un foco especial en su orilla occidental, un área abocada a la transferencia y el intercambio, tanto en el ámbito social y económico como en el político y cultural, con la Península Ibérica, las islas y la Península Itálica como espacios de gran dinamismo.
- Introduction
- The Mediterranean and its History - El Mediterráneo y su historia
- The Mediterranean through the Eyes of Travellers and Artists - El Mediterráneo visto por los viajeros y los artistas
- The Mediterranean, a Space of Powers - El Mediterráneo, un espacio de poderes
- The Mediterranean at War - El Mediterráneo, guerra y conflictos
- The Mediterranean, a Network of Ports - El Mediterráneo, red de puertos
- The Mediterranean, Beliefs and Lifestyles - El Mediterráneo, creencias y formas de vida
- The Mediterranean on the Table: Food and Culture - El Mediterráneo en la mesa: cultura alimentaria
- The Mediterranean and the Atlantic World - El Mediterráneo y el mundo atlántico
- Final assignment / Prueba final
Taught by
Xavier Gil, Mariàngeles Pérez Samper, Àngel Casals, Jaume Dantí, Diego Sola, Miquel Àngel Martínez, Joan-Lluís Palos, Ida Mauro and Mariela Fargas
1.2 rating, based on 4 Class Central reviews
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the videos are too short and badly translated in english, the information is very basic, most of the references given are only in spanish, some of the questions in the quizzes are not translated. You have to be completly fluent in spanish to take this course but even then do not expect learning a lot
Currently taking this course - I think the organisers have taken on board the comments about the poor translation and have attempted to address this to a certain extent but it's still not great. Don't hold much hope for the final peer-reviewed assessment as the question
Agree with others about translations, level of information. I'm actually astonished by both, not to mention disappointed. On the plus side, I've learned about a couple of really useful books to continue on with.
I agree with the previous comment. This course was roughly organized and is not well translated in English. Be careful if you intend to pay for a certificate.