As a Dojo project nears its completion, it is time to tune to the build system to optimize the application for delivery to the client. This course will walk you through the powerful Dojo framework and show how the various elements work together.
The Dojo Toolkit is organized into a large number of interrelated modules that are intended to be loaded into the client via the AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) API. This leads, however, to non-trivial applications making hundreds of requests to get the required modules. To address this, the Dojo Toolkit contains a custom build tool that automates the minification and bundling of the modules for more efficient delivery to the client. This course breaks the build system down and gives a thorough overview of each piece of the build system, what its role is, and how the pieces work together.
The Dojo Toolkit is organized into a large number of interrelated modules that are intended to be loaded into the client via the AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) API. This leads, however, to non-trivial applications making hundreds of requests to get the required modules. To address this, the Dojo Toolkit contains a custom build tool that automates the minification and bundling of the modules for more efficient delivery to the client. This course breaks the build system down and gives a thorough overview of each piece of the build system, what its role is, and how the pieces work together.