Message brokers provide a mechanism to loosely couple applications with applications, exchanging messages with the broker while not necessarily knowing much about each other. This allows applications to evolve independently of each other and for the entire system to scale. One common message broker is RabbitMQ, a cross-platform, language-agnostic broker where you can write clients in Java, C#, Python, or any number of other languages. In this course, Jakarta EE 10 Messaging with RabbitMQ, you’ll learn to publish and consume messages using RabbitMQ as the message broker. First, you’ll explore what a message broker is and the details you'll need to work with RabbitMQ. Next, you’ll discover how to publish and consume 'direct' messages. Finally, you’ll learn how to use the different message patterns that RabbitMQ exposes such as publish/subscribe and routing. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of RabbitMQ needed to create highly decoupled applications.
Message brokers provide a mechanism to loosely couple applications with applications, exchanging messages with the broker while not necessarily knowing much about each other. This allows applications to evolve independently of each other and for the entire system to scale. One common message broker is RabbitMQ, a cross-platform, language-agnostic broker where you can write clients in Java, C#, Python, or any number of other languages. In this course, Jakarta EE 10 Messaging with RabbitMQ, you’ll learn to publish and consume messages using RabbitMQ as the message broker. First, you’ll explore what a message broker is and the details you'll need to work with RabbitMQ. Next, you’ll discover how to publish and consume 'direct' messages. Finally, you’ll learn how to use the different message patterns that RabbitMQ exposes such as publish/subscribe and routing. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of RabbitMQ needed to create highly decoupled applications.
- Course Overview 1min
- Introduction to Messaging 17mins
- Introduction to RabbitMQ 15mins
- Direct Messages 56mins
- Fan Out Exchanges and Pub/Sub 23mins
- Routing Messages 24mins
- Topic Exchanges 21mins
- Remote Procedure Call 36mins
- Headers Exchanges 22mins
- Acknowledgements and Confirming Messages 41mins
Taught by
Kevin Jones