This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5700, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree.
This course introduces the basic concepts of switched-mode converter circuits for controlling and converting electrical power with high efficiency. Principles of converter circuit analysis are introduced, and are developed for finding the steady state voltages, current, and efficiency of power converters. Assignments include simulation of a dc-dc converter, analysis of an inverting dc-dc converter, and modeling and efficiency analysis of an electric vehicle system and of a USB power regulator.
After completing this course, you will:
● Understand what a switched-mode converter is and its basic operating principles
● Be able to solve for the steady-state voltages and currents of step-down, step-up, inverting, and other power converters
● Know how to derive an averaged equivalent circuit model and solve for the converter efficiency
A basic understanding of electrical circuit analysis is an assumed prerequisite for this course.
- Ch 1: Introduction
- An introduction to power electronics and to the Coursera specialization
- Ch 2: Steady-State Converter Analysis
- How to find the ideal steady-state voltages and currents of a switched-mode converter
- Ch 3: Steady-State Equivalent Circuit Modeling, Losses, and Efficiency
- Equivalent circuit modeling of switching converters, to predict their power conversion functions and efficiency under steady-state conditions
Taught by
Robert Erickson
4.2 rating, based on 4 Class Central reviews
4.7 rating at Coursera based on 3461 ratings
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The course greatly help in building concepts related to power electronics, converter circuits, and modeling
This is an excellent course and teaches the latest methods for circuit analysis of power converter circuits. However, the material is difficult in that it would greatly help if the student had some pre-exposure to Switch-mode Power Supply design. The professor is clear and concise but that doesn't make the material easy. You must put effort into this class and the results will be very worth the effort.
This course is hard to follow. The absence of solution means that you can be stuck and stop progressing. However, you can follow this course as audit.