Responsible Reporting on Suicide for Journalists is designed to give working journalists and students who are interested in the field an understanding of how news media can impact suicide trends and how that power can be used to improve public health. An extensive body of research shows that certain methods of reporting on suicide deaths can increase the number of subsequent suicides among the public. Conversely, responsible methods of reporting on suicide can increase the likelihood of people seeking help. The World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have both identified responsible suicide reporting among the media as a key mechanism for suicide prevention. This course aims to give journalists the concrete tools they need to fulfill that goal and make a positive public health impact with their reporting.
Responsible Reporting on Suicide for Journalists
Johns Hopkins University via Coursera
- Write review
- Suicide as a Global Public Health Issue
- How Media Reports Can Affect Suicide Trends
- Applying Suicide Reporting Guidelines in the Field
Taught by
Aneri Pattani, William Eaton, PhD and Holly C. Wilcox, PhD, MA