Sample-based Learning Methods
University of Alberta and Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute via Coursera
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In this course, you will learn about several algorithms that can learn near optimal policies based on trial and error interaction with the environment---learning from the agent’s own experience. Learning from actual experience is striking because it requires no prior knowledge of the environment’s dynamics, yet can still attain optimal behavior. We will cover intuitively simple but powerful Monte Carlo methods, and temporal difference learning methods including Q-learning. We will wrap up this course investigating how we can get the best of both worlds: algorithms that can combine model-based planning (similar to dynamic programming) and temporal difference updates to radically accelerate learning.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Understand Temporal-Difference learning and Monte Carlo as two strategies for estimating value functions from sampled experience
- Understand the importance of exploration, when using sampled experience rather than dynamic programming sweeps within a model
- Understand the connections between Monte Carlo and Dynamic Programming and TD.
- Implement and apply the TD algorithm, for estimating value functions
- Implement and apply Expected Sarsa and Q-learning (two TD methods for control)
- Understand the difference between on-policy and off-policy control
- Understand planning with simulated experience (as opposed to classic planning strategies)
- Implement a model-based approach to RL, called Dyna, which uses simulated experience
- Conduct an empirical study to see the improvements in sample efficiency when using Dyna
- Welcome to the Course!
- Welcome to the second course in the Reinforcement Learning Specialization: Sample-Based Learning Methods, brought to you by the University of Alberta, Onlea, and Coursera. In this pre-course module, you'll be introduced to your instructors, and get a flavour of what the course has in store for you. Make sure to introduce yourself to your classmates in the "Meet and Greet" section!
- Monte Carlo Methods for Prediction & Control
- This week you will learn how to estimate value functions and optimal policies, using only sampled experience from the environment. This module represents our first step toward incremental learning methods that learn from the agent’s own interaction with the world, rather than a model of the world. You will learn about on-policy and off-policy methods for prediction and control, using Monte Carlo methods---methods that use sampled returns. You will also be reintroduced to the exploration problem, but more generally in RL, beyond bandits.
- Temporal Difference Learning Methods for Prediction
- This week, you will learn about one of the most fundamental concepts in reinforcement learning: temporal difference (TD) learning. TD learning combines some of the features of both Monte Carlo and Dynamic Programming (DP) methods. TD methods are similar to Monte Carlo methods in that they can learn from the agent’s interaction with the world, and do not require knowledge of the model. TD methods are similar to DP methods in that they bootstrap, and thus can learn online---no waiting until the end of an episode. You will see how TD can learn more efficiently than Monte Carlo, due to bootstrapping. For this module, we first focus on TD for prediction, and discuss TD for control in the next module. This week, you will implement TD to estimate the value function for a fixed policy, in a simulated domain.
- Temporal Difference Learning Methods for Control
- This week, you will learn about using temporal difference learning for control, as a generalized policy iteration strategy. You will see three different algorithms based on bootstrapping and Bellman equations for control: Sarsa, Q-learning and Expected Sarsa. You will see some of the differences between the methods for on-policy and off-policy control, and that Expected Sarsa is a unified algorithm for both. You will implement Expected Sarsa and Q-learning, on Cliff World.
- Planning, Learning & Acting
- Up until now, you might think that learning with and without a model are two distinct, and in some ways, competing strategies: planning with Dynamic Programming verses sample-based learning via TD methods. This week we unify these two strategies with the Dyna architecture. You will learn how to estimate the model from data and then use this model to generate hypothetical experience (a bit like dreaming) to dramatically improve sample efficiency compared to sample-based methods like Q-learning. In addition, you will learn how to design learning systems that are robust to inaccurate models.
Taught by
Martha White and Adam White
4.7 rating, based on 43 Class Central reviews
4.8 rating at Coursera based on 1232 ratings
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This is somewhat enjoyable class, but could be much, much better. First, as other people noted, the programming content is not ideal. The course would have benefited from including an introduction to RLGlue and also if possible, a brief survey of…
I appreciate the course author’s approach of progressively introducing reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, starting with simpler methods and building up to more advanced techniques that have real-world applicability.
The course strikes a great balance between theory and practice. While it's challenging at times, especially given the nuances involved in implementing certain algorithms correctly, the testing cells are invaluable for identifying and addressing these subtleties.
Converting theoretical methods into functional code is no small feat, but the guided approach provided in the course makes it much easier to grasp the process and develop a solid foundation for tackling similar problems in the future. -
This class is an excellent introduction to the methods by which reinforcement learning algorithms learn to make decisions. Its presentation unifies many learning methods and also allows those with experience in related fields (e.g., optimal control) to identify analogies to methods they ought be more familiar with.
To be brief, this is a great course on Reinforcement Learning (RL) and I thoroughly recommend it. This is the second course in the four course Reinforcement Learning specialization from the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (AMII) at University…
Overall the course seem to me very well structured and the videous help you to understand the book content. The only drawback for which I gave only 4 stars out of 5 is the submission limit of programming assignments. You can submit the assignment only 5 times afterwards you are blocked for 4 months. This does not feel right, you should be able to submit it as many times as you need, until you are successful, since you pay for the course. Only in this way you would be encouraged to think at more and more possible solutions
1) Material is highly relevant
2) Programming assignments are unmanageable - even though you manage to create code that passes unit tests, the grader that attempts to evaluate graphs generated during experiments works as black magic, and if your submission is rejected - you'll never know why
3) regarding the lectures - personally for me they can be replaced by reading relevant chapters of RL book -
Overall, it is a very good course. The professors do all they can to keep it simple by using examples and, in my opinion, it works. The only issue is the auto-grader that doesn't always work perfectly and may slow down the examination.
Highly rate this course, its the second one in the series and I also completed the first. Its content is deep yet accessible. There have been some "wow" moments for me in the course work, where I have been astounded by what RL can achieve. The Dyna Q + algorithm at the end, for navigating a maze which changes over time, is very impressive. Its not just the RL theory, but the quality video of the lecturers and their guests is very strong as well. I'd recommend to anyone with an interest to get off the well trodden track of supervised learning.
Great pointers to the reading materials, amazing animations in the short (but still enough)videos so that you can verify your understanding from the read content.
Assignments are fast to work on and at the same time they give you complete gist of the implementation that you work on. They have already coded the testing and visualization part and they only expect you to understand the algorithm so that you parts fill the important empty functions of the algorithm. -
A great course with excellent visualizations in lectures and detailed programming assignments which not least gives hands-on RL coding experience, but also teach intricacies of the material.
Giving 4 stars because lectures are short and not comprehensive enough. Lectures have the purpose of fine tuning one's understanding of the material from the book and other sources. Definitely not for beginners in RL or ML, and REQUIRE SOME PREVIOUS EXPOSURE. -
The course is fairly well detailed and contains a good deal of topics. If I have any complaints, it would be that the lectures could be a bit longer and dive into topics a little more. To be fair to the course, they do give you a weekly reading list…
I enjoyed from explanations and more from useful and basical assagnments
And quize that had made me deepunderstand of reinforcement topics -
The subject matter is fully fledged and lays a strong foundation in holistic nature. The organization of the course is thought through and that makes the learner to have a clean understanding with less confusions. This course has materials from assignments and quizzes to discussions and videos from industrial experts, everything is perfectly linked and that makes it very interesting to explore. Thank you very much for this course. I loved every minute of this and looking forward to the rest of the courses in the RL specialization. Thank you.
Enjoyed the course, really getting a sense of the breadth of the field and the potential applications, and enough knowledge to start using in the real world.
In my opinion the programming assignments were useful, and struck a good balance of making you think about how to implement the key concepts, without having to waste a lot of time programming all the other stuff. Found them really helpful in cementing my understanding of the material.
Enjoyed it enough, that I plan to finish the specialization.
Really a great a course and great specialization. I like the structure of the videos where they start with what u will learn in the video and end with summarizing what u have learned in the course. In general, The course is a great combination of theoritical RL (Math and so) and practical RL (where u get to use RL framework to impelement agents and environments). The topics are easily described and presented. In almost all cases u won't need to revise an article or another video to understand the topic.
Great pointers to the reading materials, amazing animations in the short (but still enough)videos so that you can verify your understanding from the read content.
Assignments are fast to work on and at the same time they give you complete gist of the implementation that you work on. They have already coded the testing and visualization part and they only expect you to understand the algorithm so that you parts fill the important empty functions of the algorithm.
It is very comprehensive course based on Sutton's book. Programming exercises are good and interesting, with a lot of visualisations (based on examples from the book).
The subject is complex and my advice would be to put some notes from generalisation and summary chapters at the beginning in order to have better anticipation of the course.
There were some animations that was extremely helpful for understanding. This not at all easy topic to teach. -
Good course all around. Yes, lectures were simply reading book but for me it helped understand book better and faster. Quality of Jupyter work book was not good - seems they realized and changed those in middle my course but I lost only part of assignment. Also, some discussion cells in new Jupyter workbook (for plotting graphs do not work as of now (for week 5). But those are minor irritations. Course is helpful and generally well designed
The course is overall very good: lectures are very clear, quizzes are challenging and the course relies on a text book, provided when you enroll. The only weak point, but not a serious issue, is that most of the lectures do not add content to what is in the book. Since studying the book is in fact mandatory, they could have used the lectures to better explain some concepts, assuming people read the book. Sometimes they do, but not so often.
I really enjoyed this second course of the specialisation.
The content and explanations are very helpful in building your intuition around quite complex concepts of sample-based RL. Quizzes and programming exercises are challenging enough to help you grasp necessary concepts and get hands on experience. Look forward to the next course in the specialisation.