ABOUT THE COURSE:This course builds upon basics of Thermodynamics, Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Dynamics that students have learnt in previous pre-requisite courses and aims to give the students a fundamental understanding of how axial flow compressor and industrial fans work and how they are designed as per specific requirements for land based power plants, aircraft jet engines, special applications in process industries as well as future electric propulsion systems. The aerodynamics and fluid flow aspects of axial flow compressors and fans are covered with considerations of recent advancements in design processes.INTENDED AUDIENCE:UG,PG, PhD scholars, Industry working professionalsPREREQUISITES:BE, Having background of Thermodynamics, Gas Dynamics, Gas Turbines, aircraft Propulsion etc.INDUSTRY SUPPORT:Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, Indian Army, DRDO, ISRO, NAL,HAL,GTRE and companies such as GE, P&W, R&R, Siemens, MHI etc.
Aerodynamic Design Of Axial Flow Compressors & Fans
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and NPTEL via Swayam
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Week 1: Introduction to axial flow compressor and fans, applications for aircraft engines, land based power plants, industrial applications, Construction of axial flow compressor
Week 2:Understanding of aerodynamic and thermodynamic work for compression process, axial, radial and tangential momentum , various fan and compressor possible configurations like only rotor
Week 3:3D flow through axial flow compressor, work done factor, radial equilibrium theory and it’s applications, introduction to various design approaches like free vortex
Week 4:Flow track design and understanding with different requirements, axial flow compressor cascade and introduction to various angles like air angle, flow angle, incidence angle, deviation angle
Week 5:Selection of camber line and Importance of these angle for design consideration and the effects on performance of axial flow machines, concept of critical velocity ratio. Numerical
Week 6:Criteria for selection of various deign parameters, guidelines for selection initial parameters as first cut calculation. Systematic approach for design of axial flow compressor design based of various approaches.
Week 7:Design of low speed axial flow compressor based of various design considerations, adoption of airfoil for finalizing the rotor and stator blades. (Numerical)
Week 8:Design of low speed contra rotating axial flow compressor based of various design considerations, adoption of airfoil for finalizing the rotor and stator blades. (Numerical)
Week 9:Need for transonic compressor stages, type of transonic airfoils and their special applications.
Week 10:Design of transonic axial flow compressor based of various design considerations. (Numerical)
Week 11:Need for future axial flow compressors for specific applications and special need. Design of industrial fans based of various design considerations. (Numerical)
Week 12:Use of CFD for axial flow compressor and fan analysis and understanding of modifications in design
Taught by
Prof. Chetankumar Sureshbhai Mistry