Business Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and NPTEL via Swayam
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Week 1:
Introductory Module: Course Structure & Overview
Understanding the DNA of Business:
Module 1:Business History, Environment & Trends
Module 2: What is a Company? Types of Companies
Week 2:Understanding the Purpose of a Company:
Module 3:Vision, Mission & Goals of a Company
Module 4:Company Strategy &Culture
Week 3:Producing High-Quality Products:
Module 5:Innovation & Product Development
Module 6:Manufacturing & Quality Management
Week 4:Sustaining a great business
Module 7:Leadership & HR Management
Module 8:Accounting & Financial Management
Week 5:Studying Markets, Competitors & Customers
Module 9:Market & Competitive Research
Module 10:Customer Profiles and Segments
Week 6:Winning in the Market Place
Module 11:Marketing and Positioning
Module 12:Branding & Advertising
Week 7:Building Customer Loyalty
Module 13:B2B and B2C Sales Management
Module 14:Customer Service Management
Week 8:Reaching your customers
Module 15:Supply Chain Management
Module 16:Retail and Distribution Management
Week 9:Defining your Business Model
Module 17:Business Models & Types
Module 18:Business Model Canvas
Week 10:Social Entrepreneurship
Module 19:Social &Inclusive Business
Module 20:Social Business Model Canvas
Week 11:Environment, Social & Governance (ESG) Investing
Module 21:Environment and Social Impact of Business
Module22:Corporate Governance
Week 12:Communication & Conclusion
Module 23: Business Communication
Module 24:Course Recap & Wrapup: What next?
Taught by
Prof. Devdip Purkayastha