Computer Methods of Structural Analysis of Offshore Structures
Indian Institute of Technology Madras and NPTEL via Swayam
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The course will give a brief overview of different types of offshore structures that are deployed in sea for exploiting oil, gas and minerals. Detailed analysis methods, as applicable to both 2dimensional and 3-dimensional structures will be discussed. While fundamentals of advanced structural analysis are discussed, detailed mathematical modeling of problem formulation and solution using MATLAB coding will be discussed. Codes for numeric examples will be also provided in the lecture notes. Hands-on experience of using Matlab will also be discussed. Focus is on explanation of fundamental concepts of advanced structural analysis, with special emphasis to its application to offshore structures.INTENDED AUDIENCE:Civil, Mech, Aero, Appl. Mech., Naval arch., StructuresPREREQUISITES: NILINDUSTRY SUPPORT: ONGC, Reliance, UGC, Technip
Week 1: Indeterminate structuresWeek 2: Stiffness method: Planar orthogonal structuresWeek 3: Stiffness method: Planar non-orthogonal structuresWeek 4: Stiffness method: Planar truss systemsWeek 5: Stiffness method: 3D analysisWeek 6: Space framesWeek 7: Types of offshore structuresWeek 8: Environmental loadsWeek 9: Dynamic analysisWeek 10: New-generation offshore platformsWeek 11: Random process, Response spectrumWeek 12: Analysis under fatigue loads
Taught by
Srinivasan Chandrasekaran