Overview:This course aims to equip manufacturing sector professionals, functional heads, supervisors, professors, and students with essential Lean manufacturing tools and concepts. Throughout the course, we explore core Lean principles using practical examples, demonstrating their applicability in diverse manufacturing environments.Topics covered include observation skills (to observe the source of the issue), the evolution of manufacturing (to grasp the key elements of manufacturing), essential concepts in Lean factory environments (to understand both hard and soft skills needed in a modern manufacturing setting), understanding operations in a lean enterprise, flow management principles (including waste reduction and concepts of material flow), and visual mapping of material flow.Participants will gain insights into key Lean tools and principles necessary for fostering a mindset shift across organizational structures. By the end of this foundational course, participants will have the terminology, tools, and techniques to analyze and improve operational processes within manufacturing or business contexts.To ensure engagement and stimulate thought, we utilize a multifaceted approach, including videos, graded and ungraded assignments, discussions, expert insights, and stringent focus on application in a real-world setting. Join us for an exciting journey through a range of ideas, concepts, and case studies, ensuring an enriching experience until the very end. We look forward to embarking on this journey with you.Objectives:1. To Transform Students of Engineering and Management as Manufacturing Change Leaders2. To develop engineering college faculty as lean experts and lean consultants3. To Equip Sector Professionals, Functional Heads and Supervisors with essential tools and concepts of Lean manufacturing4. To Enable Participants to Gain Insights into Key Lean Tools and Principles Necessary for Fostering a Lean Mindset Shift across Organizational Structures
Foundations of Lean Manufacturing
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore via Swayam
- Write review
Week 1: Observation Skills
Week 2: Evolution of Manufacturing
Week 3: Essential Concepts in Factory
Week 4: Understanding Lean Operations
Week 5: Introduction to Flow Management System
Week 6: Visual Mapping of Material Flow
Syllabus page
Exam Schedule
Week 2: Evolution of Manufacturing
Week 3: Essential Concepts in Factory
Week 4: Understanding Lean Operations
Week 5: Introduction to Flow Management System
Week 6: Visual Mapping of Material Flow
Syllabus page
Exam Schedule
Taught by
Saideep Rathnam