High Performance Scientific Computing
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and NPTEL via Swayam
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ABOUT THE COURSE:Scientific computing has become an important third axis in the development of science in conjunction with theoretical and experimental studies. The tremendous growth in computing power, especially with high performance computing (HPC) clusters, over the last few decades have opened up opportunities to computationally study phenomena which were earlier beyond reach. Fluid Dynamics, Electromagnetics, Astrophysics, Biology, Finance etc are few of the domains which are greatly aided by scientific computing. There is a dire need to train researchers and graduate students in the effective use and programming practices of these HPC clusters. This course will aim to fill the gap in understanding and use of such systems.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Researchers, graduate students , postdocs working in the area of computational science.PRE-REQUISITES: Basic course on programming and applied mathematicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT:The industries in which this would useful for is aerospace, automotive, defence, chemical , electrical, materials, biomedical and nuclear industries which employ simulation technologies.
Week 1: Introduction to high performance computing and scientific computing. The need for HPSC.Week 2:Processor performance. Memory hierarchy. Multi-core processing and Vector computingWeek 3:Introduction to parallel programming concepts and parallel algorithmsWeek 4:Introduction to OpenMP and thread programmingWeek 5:OpenMP programming : intermediate and advanced conceptsWeek 6:Introduction to MPI programmingWeek 7:MPI programming: Intermediate and advanced conceptsWeek 8:Introduction to GPGPU / Vector programmingWeek 9:Effective use of debuggers and parallel debuggingWeek 10:Performance analysis of parallel programmingWeek 11:Use of toolkits such as BLAS, LAPACK,PETSCWeek 12:Advanced scientific visualization.
Taught by
Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan