Human Nutrition and Biochemistry
English and Foreign Languages University and CEC via Swayam
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The science of foods, nutrients and other substances , their action, interaction and balance in relationship to health and disease, the processes by which the organism ingests, digests, absorbs, transports and utilizes nutrients and disposes the end products is dealt with in human nutrition and biochemistry.In other words we can describe it as the area of knowledge regarding the role of nutrients in the maintenance of health.The course deals with the various nutrients, their physiology, metabolism, source, functions, deficiency caused by insufficient intake etc it also deals with the major nutrient disorders in the country, various nutrition programmes to overcome these deficiencies etc.It gives an overall idea about thenutrients,reaching nutrients to the community.
Week 1 1 Scope of Human Nutrition 2 Concept of Nutrition and Functions of Food 3 Concept and scope of Community Nutrition 4 Classification of nutrients, Recommended Dietary Allowances Week 2 5 Nutritional requirements and Recommended Dietary Allowances, Body composition and changes through life cycle 6 Carbohydrates – Definition and classification 7 Carbohydrates - structure and properties 8 Digestion & absorption of carbohemic index, glycemic load original Week 3 9 Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, Glycogenesis and Glycogenolysis 10 Lipids 11 Digestion and absorption of lipids 12 Lipid oxidation, Biosynthesis of Fatty acids Week 4 13 Enzymes 14 Amino acid metabolism, urea cycle, citric cycle 15 Electron Transport Chain 16 Sources and Functions of Carbohydrates, Proteins and Fat Week 5 17 Passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion & Active transport 18 Protein quality 19 Protein structures 20 Minerals and Trace Elements Week 6 21 Sources and functions of minerals and dietary fiber 22 Fat soluble Vitamins - Physiological role, bioavailability, sources, deficiency and excess 23 Water Soluble Vitamins 24 Sources and functions of Vitamins and water Week 7 25 Sources and functions of Vitamins, Minerals, Fibre and Water 26 Basal Metabolic Rate 27 Energy in Human Nutrition 28 Energy requirements for humans Week 8 29 Dietary fibre – classification and composition, nutritional significance 30 Water – Functions and Requirements 31 Common nutritional problems in India 32 Vitamin A, iron and iodine deficiencies Week 9 33 Fluorosis-incidence, signs and symptoms and treatment 34 Post harvest handling, Marketing and Distribution of Foods 35 Food supplementation, substitution, fortification and enrichment 36 Role of agricultural production in food availability and consumption Week 10 37 National nutritional programme 38 Mid Day Meal programme in India 39 Water pollution and its effects on food quality 40 Food Adulteration
Taught by
Dr. V. Vijaya Lakshmi