ABOUT THE COURSE:This Course introduces to the students the glorious tradition of Indian architecture. The intricacies of Indus architecture to temple architecture provides valuable insight about our heritage. After completing this course the learner would be able to distinguish different kinds of Indian architecture. If the learner is an AIHC & Archaeology/Heritage Management/History of Art/TTM student or a NET-JRF aspirant or aspirant of competitive exam where Ancient Indian Architecture questions are asked, then this course would be beneficial for you all.INTENDED AUDIENCE: UG & PG Students; NET-JRF Aspirants; UPSC & State PSC AspirantsPREREQUISITES: No special course required except Basic Knowledge of HistoryINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Travel & Tourism Management, Heritage Management, Education,Conservation Department, Planning & Sustainable Development
Week 1: Architecture Planning during Indus – Saraswati CivilizationWeek 2:Mauryan ArchitectureWeek 3:Stupa ArchitectureWeek 4:Rock Cut ArchitectureWeek 5:Salient Feature of Ajanta cavesWeek 6:Evolution of Hindu Temple and Forms of TempleWeek 7:Temples of Central India (Khajuraho Group of Temple)Week 8:Kailashnath Temple of ElloraWeek 9:Temples of Eastern India (Orrisa Style)Week 10:Dravid Style of Temple ArchitectureWeek 11:Vesara Style- Hoyasala TemplesWeek 12:Temples in Ancient India: Its Significance and Economic Importance
Taught by
Prof. Rajiv Kumar Jaiswal, Prof. Samvedana Singh