Introduction To Cognitive Psychology
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and NPTEL via Swayam
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One of the most puzzling fact for humans over the centuries has been the understanding of human behavior. Understanding and predicting human behavior will helps humans in exerting more control over situations. The bases of human behavior are the cognitive processes underlying them. The present course is an attempt to discuss and understand the basic cognitive processes that guide human behavior. The knowledge from the course will be useful in tackling everyday problems and attaining optimal solutions. Additionally, we can use knowledge about human cognitive systems in designing sophisticated Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems that learn from mistakes and make our lives a lot easier to live.INTENDED AUDIENCE : UG/PG/PhDPREREQUISITES : Not ApplicableINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Not applicable
Topic: Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Week 1: History, Theory and Research in Human Cognition
Topic: Basic Cognitive Processes
Week 2:Object Perception and Recognition
Week 3:Attentional Processes and cognition
Week 4:Memory Introduction
Week 5:Long Term Memory
Topic: Organizational Knowledge
Week 6:Memory of general knowledge
Week 7:Concept Formation
Week 8:Visual and Spatial Memory
Topic: The Use of Knowledge
Week 9:Human language skills
Week 10:Thought process and Problem Solving
Week 11:Reasoning
Week 12:Decision Making
Week 1: History, Theory and Research in Human Cognition
Topic: Basic Cognitive Processes
Week 2:Object Perception and Recognition
Week 3:Attentional Processes and cognition
Week 4:Memory Introduction
Week 5:Long Term Memory
Topic: Organizational Knowledge
Week 6:Memory of general knowledge
Week 7:Concept Formation
Week 8:Visual and Spatial Memory
Topic: The Use of Knowledge
Week 9:Human language skills
Week 10:Thought process and Problem Solving
Week 11:Reasoning
Week 12:Decision Making
Taught by
Naveen Kashyap
3.5 rating, based on 2 Class Central reviews
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It was my dream to learn something of psychology.I was always curious about human mind and the thinking process.eventhough I m a physics student I love this start of cognitive psychology.hoping to learn more:)
Peace be upon you. I would like to take this course and obtain a free certificate to benefit from all that relates to psychology and human behavior in order to help others and establish charitable works.