Micro and Nano finishing is one of the basic courses for the mechanical undergraduate students. This process comes under the subtractive manufacturing processes where in material is removed in micro to nano range. This course gives the basic understanding of the various polymer assisted abrasive micro to nano finishing processes and its physics. The mentioned syllabus is systematic order to understand gradually, what is the importance of surface finish, how the polymers supports the abrasive particles to finish the workpiece surface to nano level. This course mostly deals with abrasive flow finishing process where polymer rheological abrasive medium/fluids are used achieve nano surface roughness. This course also gives emphasis on polymer rheology and its effect on nano finishing. This course is systemically arranged and taught in smooth as well as clear way so that students understand easily.INTENDED AUDIENCE:BE/B.Tech, ME/M.Tech, PHD (Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering). Faculty who teaches manufacturing.CORE/ELECTIVE:Core/ElectiveUG/PG:UG and PGPREREQUISITES:NoneINDUSTRY SUPPORT:Oil India Ltd., ONGC, TATA motors, ISRO, BARC, DRDL, NTPC, CMTI, CMERI, CGCRI, Grind Master, NRL
Week 1 : Introduction to Polymer Assisted Abrasive Finishing Processes, Importance of Mirco to Nano Finishing and Surface roughness representation, Finishing with polymer grinding wheels and polymer medium for vibratory bowl finishingWeek 2 : Polymer abrasive medium for vibratory bowl finishing and Pitch Polishing, Polymer Pad and Chemo-mechanical Polishing, Elastic Emission and Elasto Abrasive FinishingWeek 3 : Abrasive Flow Machining and Finishing, Polymer Rheological Abrasive Medium/ Fluids for Finishing: Rheology and Tribology, Active abrasive particles and finishing forces during finishing using Polymer assisted AbrasivesWeek 4 : Advances in Abrasive Flow Finishing: DBGAFF, Spiral Polishing, CFAAFM, R-AFF, Micro AFF, Vibrations assisted AFF, Electro AFF process, Modeling of Polymer rheological abrasive medium for finishing, Finishing of Bio Implants: Knee implant, Hip implants.
Taught by
Prof. M. Ravi Sankar