Principles of Management
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and NPTEL via Swayam
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The course provides an overview of management and its evolution. It examines management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling and its impact on the business organization. It discusses necessary skills and functions required for efficient manager in contemporary business environment. Overall, it enables students to analyze and understand changing business environment, and the role of ethics, social responsibility and environmental issues in contemporary business environment. INTENDED AUDIENCE : All Graduates (Management, Engineering, Sciences, Arts)PREREQUISITES : NoneINDUSTRIES SUPPORT : Infosys, TATA, Relaince, Public Sector Companies like BHEL, SAIL, ONGC etc.
Week 1: Introduction to Management: Management – An Emerging Profession, Definition, Nature, Scope, Purpose, and characteristics of Management, Functions, roles, skills of an effective ManagerWeek 2: Evolution of Management Thought : Classical Theory, Scientific Management , Management Process or Administrative Management, Bureaucracy, Behavioural Science Approach, Quantitative Approach, Systems Approach, Contingency Approach, Operational ApproachWeek 3: Planning: Types of Plans, Planning Process, Introduction to Strategic Management, Types of Strategies, Understanding environment of business: Environmental appraisal – Industry Analysis - Porter’s Model of competitive advantage, analysis of organisational resources and capabilitiesWeek 4: Forecasting and Premising : Introduction to Forecasting, Essential Components in Business Forecasting, Determinants of Business Forecasts, Benefits of Forecasting, Techniques of Forecasting, Limitations of ForecastingWeek 5: Decision-making : Introduction, Components of Decision-making, Decision-making Process, Group Decision-making, Creativity Problem-solvingWeek 6: Management by Objectives and Styles of Management : Core Concepts of MBO, Characteristics of Management by Objectives, Process of MBO, Defining the Goal, Action Plan, Final Review, Benefits of Management by Objectives, Limitations of Management by Objectives, Styles of Management, American Style of Management, Japanese Style of Management, Indian Style of ManagementWeek 7: Organizing and Directing: Introduction, Organizational Design, Hierarchical Systems , Organization Structure, Types of Organization Structure, Formal and Informal Organization, Factors Determining Span of Management, Centralization and Decentralization, Span of control, Understanding authority and responsibility, Principles of Delegation, Authority, Developing a culture of Innovation and performanceWeek 8: Staffing and Coordination: Introduction, Human Resource Management, Recent Trends in HRM, Technology in HRM, Economic Challenges, Workforce Diversity, Concept of Coordination, Need for Coordination, Importance of Coordination, Principles of Coordination, Coordination Process, Types of Coordination, Issues and Systems Approach to Coordination, Techniques of CoordinationWeek 9:Career Development Strategy: Introduction, Concept and Elements of Career, Overview of Career Development, Significance and Advantages of Career Development, Objectives of Career Development, Types of Career Development Programmes, Different Stages or Cycles of Career Development Process, Career Anchors, Steps in the Career Planning ProcessWeek 10:Leadership styles of Managers: Leadership Concept, Nature, Importance, Attributes of a leader, Role of a leader in demonstrating awareness of legal, personnel, and strategic issues relating to globalization, culture and gender diversity in an organization, Role of leader in conflict resolution and negotiationsWeek 11: Organizational Communication: Communication in Organizations: Introduction, Importance of Communication in the Workplace; Understanding Communication Process, Barriers to Communication, Use of tone, language and styles in Communication, Role of Perception in influencing communication, Role of culture in communicationWeek 12:Change management: Concept of change, change as a natural process, Importance & Causes of change – social, economic, technological, organizational, Developing a climate for learning, Concept of learning organizationsChallenges of Contemporary Business: Role of Ethics, Corporate social responsibility, and environmental issues
Taught by
Prof. Susmita Mukhopadhyay, Prof. S. Srinivasan