Positive psychology meets K-12 pedagogy. This course explores key ideas of positive psychology and shows how great teachers apply those lessons to maximize student engagement and accomplishment. Through lectures, discussions, interviews and footage of great educators in action, you’ll learn how to integrate character-based objectives into your own teaching.
Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms
Relay Graduate School of Education via Coursera
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- Your Character Journey
- Let's begin with an exploration of our own strengths of character... we all have them!
- The Science of Character
- This module explores the research base that supports the teaching of character.
- Teaching Character in Every Moment
- Character education starts with an intentional approach to every human-to-human interaction.
- Macro Structures
- Create a plan for teaching character and then work every day to make it happen.
- Talking About Character Growth
- No one ever masters something like grit or gratitude; the goal is to integrate those lessons into our daily lives.
Taught by
Dave Levin
4.6 rating, based on 22 Class Central reviews
4.8 rating at Coursera based on 915 ratings
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I took this course to learn anything I could to help my son flourish at school, which in his case was a toxic environment, run with a very negative and unenlightened attitude from the top down. I let them know about this course in the hope that some…
This is an outstanding course. I am so impressed with the content Dave and the TA team has pulled together. Having recently completed my Masters from UPenn in Applied Positive Psychology, I think it's amazing that so much of the latest and greates…
The course is very interesting.The example of an elephant for unlearning and relearning really caught my fancy.As all of us know elephants are fascinating to all of us ,irrespective of our age.The content is delivered in an interesting way and the interviews with resource persons are very useful in helping us to get an insight into the methodology to be adopted by us for character building.The content is presented in a logical structure just like any lesson we teach to our students.i am really looking forward to learning something worthwhile by completing this course not only as a teacher ,but also as an individual.
Girija P. -
I would recommend this course for any teachers at any level or course in K-12. It is a good balance of theory, research and practical advice. There are case studies which are useful examples and the course load is manageable with a full time job.
I'm a pre-school teacher. I want to improve myself for my students. We, pre-school teachers the role-model for the kids. We need to update our knowledge, in touch with 21st century lesson plan and guide lines, and getting ideas from other teachers and schools. This is the main reason why I want to join teaching character and creating positive classrooms. As you know, now a days teaching character and creating positive classrooms is the most important for all the kids and everyone. So, not only me but also other teachers or parents who are educated must join this course. Thank you .
This class is very clear and well-run to draw on current research about character education. It does a great job giving an overview of topics such as character strengths, constructive feedback, growth mindset, dual-purpose lessons, etc. I recommend this course for people who want to further their knowledge of character education and for teachers/adults who want to create positive student-teacher relationships and classroom atmospheres.
This course helps me understand why grit and character is important as a teacher. As we all know, teaching and theory must be implemented.
A teacher keep discipline in a class.He always try to do good performance in his teaching skills. A teacher most observe to the students first & then he try to teach them. A teacher' character most high quality in his class room. A teacher make a nation. A nation is always followed by a teacher. A teacher is always a respectable person for our society. The students of our country always learn from a teacher. The teacher always aware to the students how they will become a good learner. A good learner become a good teacher in future. In our india the students obey to their teachers a respected person like God.
I hope i can learn more about teaching. I want to improve my skill as a teacher in pandemic situation. I hope that students will be able to learn well although in pandemic situation. I don't want this situation make us limited to improve good education environment. So, i want to learn more to handle my online class. I hope i find good sources that i need in this place.
Teacher must be deep knowledge and passion for their subject matter.friendliness and approachabilitythe ability to build caring relationships with students
The teachers possess good listening skills and take time out of their way-too-busy schedules for anyone who needs them -
This course is highly useful. I liked the KIPP model presented and learned a lot from the sample cases provided, the excerpts from real classes and micro-moments. I highly recommend it for teachers and basically for anyone interested in growth and advancement.
I have a lot to learned and i want this to share to my future student to enhance their learning skills. and also to my co teacher, friends. i'm glad that i discovered this course this is a big help for me and for my student.
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