What you'll learn:
- Advanced SAS programming, especially in SQL and SAS Macro. Students will be able to become advanced SAS programmers
- Acquire SAS knowledge and skills to pass certificate exam
- Get rich study materials in learning and practicing
- Master efficient SAS programming to solve real world problems
- Perform data analysis, data automation using advanced SAS
If you need acomprehensiveSAS course that helps you
1) pass advanced SAS certificate exam;
2) master advancedSAS programming by solving 100 questions including study cases;
3) understand how SAS codes Macro and SQLare working;
4) walk through questions by testing programming codes;
5) practice and review SAS examples by yourself using my handout;
Then this course is right for you. I am using a special but effective teaching method in this course. You are not just leaning SAS knowledge and skills, butalsoexamining yourself by solving each question! You are not just seeking the correctsolution, butalso figuring out whyother answers are incorrect.
I will show you both theories in slides andcodeimplementation in programming interface. With the questions, multiple choices, codeinterpretation, examples and data sets I provided, you will be able tostart SAS programming efficiently andconfidentlypass certificate exam!