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Java Streams API Developer Guide

via Udemy


Functional Programming with Java 8

What you'll learn:
  • Functional Programming
  • Know how to use Java Streams API
  • Understand the benefits Streams have to offer
  • Know how to use concrete > abstraction > concrete pattern
  • Gather stats from datasets
  • Deliver more features instead of focusing how to make code that works right.
  • Use streams to perform transformations using stream().map(...)
  • Learn awesome IDEA features

Java 8 brought a lot great newfeatures to the table. A lot people say,the community was late inbringing these features, but what often people dont realise is that brought these new features late but whatthey did exceptionally well was to implement them better than anyoneand give usdevelopers a wonder API to use, and one of the them was the Stream API.

Before Java we wrote a lot code for simple logic and yet we could get it wrong very easily. Well this is not the case with Java 8 in particulate with Streams. With Streams we focus on coding and deliver what we indent rather than thinking of how we are going to code the logic to do what we intend. Streams focuses on the ALL instead of thePARTS. Streams not onlyfocuses on the ALL but it also allows us to write functional style programming, and this is what makes Streams and the Java programming language very attractive to developers.

This course is packed with awesome sections that will take you the journey from from zero to hero. You will learn andunderstand what I call the

concrete >abstraction> concrete phase

and once you grasp this concept we will dive into the abstraction phase and learnawesome features such as

  • Map
  • Filter
  • Flatmap
  • Reduce
  • Average
  • Sum
  • Min
  • Difference between intermediate &terminal operations
  • And much more

Finally at the end of this course I will teach how streams work internally, their order of execution and the performance benefits they have to offer.

The best way to learn any conceptis to learn and practice as you go along. So, I packed this course withplenty of exercise for you to challenge your to ensure you learn and start using functional programming with stream moving forward in you career as a Java software engineer.

I cant wait to see you inside.


Taught by

Nelson Jamal


4.4 rating at Udemy based on 3919 ratings

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