High Energy Physics Beyond the Large Hadron Collider - Exploring Flavor Factories
media.ccc.de via YouTube
Explore cutting-edge high energy physics research beyond the Large Hadron Collider in this 41-minute conference talk from the 38th Chaos Communication Congress. Delve into the world of flavor factories, particularly the Belle II experiment in Japan and BES III in China, which operate at lower energies but collect massive datasets to test the Standard Model of particle physics with unprecedented precision. Learn how these experiments address fundamental questions about matter-antimatter asymmetry, dark matter, and other mysteries that the Standard Model cannot fully explain. Discover how modern physics experiments employ machine learning, artificial intelligence, and distributed computing infrastructure to analyze terabytes of data, requiring collaboration among thousands of scientists. Understand the complementary approaches of direct and indirect discoveries in particle physics, and how precision measurements at lower energies can probe particles far heavier than those accessible through direct searches at higher energy facilities.
38C3 - High energy physics aside the Large Hadron Collider
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