Emerging Intelligence: From Neurons to Social Dynamics
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM) via YouTube
Watch a 51-minute research lecture exploring how internal psychological processes influence collective behavior and social dynamics. Delve into a mathematical model grounded in the theory of planned behavior that examines the relationship between individual psychology and group actions. Learn how temporal biases in social perception and individual decision-making processes can lead to various collective outcomes, from partial participation to rapid or delayed cascades of action. Understand why similar early patterns can evolve into distinctly different long-term dynamics, making prediction challenging. Discover a framework for studying the complex interplay between psychological processes and observable actions in human populations, presented by Alice Schwarze from the Utah AI Policy Office at IPAM's Modeling Multi-Scale Collective Intelligences Workshop.
Alice Schwarze - Emerging Intelligence: from neurons to social dynamics - IPAM at UCLA
Taught by
Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM)