Engage in an Ask the Experts session exploring Microsoft's comprehensive marketing solution for accelerating business growth and deepening customer connections. Discover how to win hearts and minds in an omnichannel world while maintaining the highest level of data governance, privacy, and compliance. Learn about use cases beyond activation, address major challenges faced by marketers today, and understand the added value of integrating Microsoft advertising with Customer Management Platform (CMP) and marketing automation. Explore the roadmap for implementing these tools, discuss consent management strategies, and gain insights into the level of control and AI functionality available for businesses of all sizes. Access additional resources, including contact information for sales and opportunities to watch live Ask the Expert episodes on Learn TV.
What other use cases are you seeing outside of activation
What are the biggest challenges marketers are facing today
Is there an additional value to the customer for using Microsoft advertising along with your CMP and martic
Is there anything else you wanted to add
Roadmap for using this tool
What should a company do if it did not ask for consent
What level of control do I expect to have
Will AI functionality be valuable for every business
Taught by
Microsoft Ignite