Watch a mathematics lecture from Harvard CMSA's AQFT series where Purdue's Baiying Liu discusses recent advances in understanding local Arthur packets of classical groups. Learn about collaborative research with Freydoon Shahidi exploring Jiang's conjecture on wave front sets of representations, examining how they relate to local Arthur parameters. Discover findings from joint work with Alexander Hazeltine and Chi-Heng Lo investigating the intersection of local Arthur packets for symplectic and split odd special orthogonal groups, including applications to Enhanced Shahidi's conjecture, closure relation conjecture, and Clozel's conjectures on unramified representations. Explore a new upper bound conjecture on wavefront sets of admissible representations of connected reductive groups, developed in collaboration with Hazeltine, Lo, and Shahidi.
Recent Progress on Certain Problems Related to Local Arthur Packets of Classical Groups
Harvard CMSA via YouTube
Baiying Liu|Recent progress on certain problems related to local Arthur packets of classical groups
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Harvard CMSA