Embark on a comprehensive full-stack journey to build and deploy a modern social media application with advanced features. Learn to implement Google Authentication, create, edit, delete, and save posts, engage with other users' content through likes and comments, and incorporate powerful search and filter functionalities for images. Gain hands-on experience working with Sanity.io, a versatile platform for structured content management. Master React.js best practices, integrate Tailwind CSS for sleek styling, and explore the intricacies of content management using Sanity. Follow along as the tutorial guides you through project setup, frontend development, authentication implementation, component creation, and ultimately, deployment of your fully-functional image-sharing social media app.
Project Setup
Frontend Setup
Auth - Login/Register
Home, Sidebar & Navbar
Feed View
Pin Component
Create Pin
Pin Details
User Profile
Search & Categories
Taught by
JavaScript Mastery