Chemical Reactions Types - Single vs Double Displacement, Combination, Decomposition and Combustion
Medicosis Perfectionalis via YouTube
Explore the fundamental types of chemical reactions in this comprehensive video lecture. Learn about single and double displacement reactions, also known as single and double replacement reactions, as well as combination (synthesis), decomposition, and combustion reactions. Delve into additional reaction types such as fermentation and photosynthesis, and understand key concepts like photons, electrons, and reaction rates. Examine reduction-oxidation (RedOx) reactions and the differences between exothermic and endothermic reactions. Gain insights into reactants, products, enzymes as catalysts, and the processes of gaining or losing oxygen, hydrogen, and electrons. Master the roles of electron donors and acceptors in chemical reactions, providing a solid foundation for understanding complex chemical processes.
Chemical Reactions Types - Single vs Double displacement, Combination, Decomposition & Combustion
Taught by
Medicosis Perfectionalis