Chords and the Mathematical Fretboard - Exploring Guitar Music Theory
Insights into Mathematics via YouTube
Explore the mathematical foundations of guitar playing in this 40-minute video lecture. Delve into the 12-tone chromatic scale system as a powerful tool for navigating the guitar fretboard and identifying chords, with a focus on triads and tetrads. Discover how this approach diverges from traditional piano-centric musical terminology, embracing the guitar's inherent symmetry. Learn about the basic structure of a guitar, chord definitions, and various chord types while gaining insights into applying mathematical concepts to simplify and rationalize music theory. Follow along as the lecture covers topics such as fretboard navigation, string relationships, chord structures, and locating triads on the fretboard.
Basic structure of a guitar and the fretboard
From one string to the next
Definition of a chord
Chords with three notes: Triads
Chords with four notes: Tetrads
Types of triads
Finding triads on the fretboard
Taught by
Insights into Mathematics