Learn essential principles and techniques for company financial forecasting in this 32-minute video lesson designed for CFA® Level I exam preparation. Master approaches to forecasting revenues, operating expenses, working capital, and capital investments while understanding their practical applications in company analysis. Explore scenario analysis methodologies, understand forecast limitations, and discover how to evaluate historical results and company-specific factors. Delve into bottom-up approaches, non-recurring items analysis, gross margin calculations, and capital structure considerations that are crucial for comprehensive financial forecasting. Gain proficiency in convergence concepts, track record evaluation, and determining appropriate forecast horizons to effectively analyze and predict company financial performance.
What is Forecasting
Individual Financial Statement Lines
Historical Results
Con Mergence
Track Record
Forecast Horizon
Company Specific Factors
Bottom Up Approach
NonRecurring Items
Cost of Sales
Gross Margin
Capital Investments
Scenario Analysis
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