What are Digital Twins?
Video Scope
Skills Taught Overview
Background Concept: Lidar
Background Concept: Multipatch Features
Background Concept: Vertical Coordinate Systems
Tutorial Introduction and Overview
Tutorial Hands On Start
Task 1 - Step 1: Create a new ArcGIS Pro project
Task 1 - Step 2: Add the tutorial datasets to your map
Task 2: Create a 3D Multipatch Object from 2D Polygons Overview
Task 2 - Step 1: Create Scene View
Task 2 - Step 2: Create Blank Multipatch Feature Class
Task 2 - Step 3: Copy Footprints into Multipatch
Task 2 - Step 4: Modify Multipatch using Lidar
Task 2 - Step 5: Apply Textures
Task 3: Connect Python Script into Scene to Update 3D Multipatch Object in Real Time.
Task 4 - Step 1: Export Scene Image
Python Code Walkthrough
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