Mobile Web Design Anti-Patterns - Embracing Constraints Without Compromising User Experience
Web Conferences Amsterdam via YouTube
Explore mobile web design anti-patterns in this 50-minute conference talk from Mobilism 2013. Delve into common mistakes in mobile design, including content over-simplification, problematic UI components, and incorrect assumptions about user context. Learn why these anti-patterns fail and discover better alternatives for creating effective mobile experiences. Examine topics such as door slams, secondary URLs, user blocking, simulators, waterfall loading, touch targeting, high DPI considerations, "the fold," icon design, mystery navigation, and image optimization. Gain insights from Dave Shea's expertise to improve your mobile web design skills and avoid common pitfalls in the field.
What is an antipattern
Can I justify the money
Door slam
Secondary URL
Blocking Users
User Interface
Touch Targeting
High DPI
The Fold
Mystery Navigation
Image Optimization
Taught by
Web Conferences Amsterdam