Explore how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing DevSecOps workflows in this 45-minute conference talk from All Things Open 2024. Discover solutions to the increasing pressure teams face in delivering secure, high-quality code at unprecedented speeds through modern DevSecOps platforms and AI-enhanced processes. Learn about current challenges in the DevSecOps space, gain insights into cutting-edge platforms, and understand practical applications of AI in streamlining development workflows. Walk away with a deeper understanding of development challenges in today's fast-paced environment, knowledge of platform capabilities, and actionable strategies to leverage AI for enhanced workflow efficiency. Master tools that free up time for innovation and creative problem-solving, whether you're a seasoned developer or an architect looking to optimize team performance. Presented by GitLab's Cesar Saavedra, gain valuable insights into propelling development processes forward through the strategic implementation of AI in DevSecOps workflows.
DevSecOps at Warp Speed with AI - Cesar Saavedra
Taught by
All Things Open