Explore a conference talk on the study of 2-torsions in singular instanton homology for knots, presented by Fan Ye from Harvard University at the Gauge Theory and Low Dimensional Topology conference. Delve into Shumakovitch's conjecture regarding 2-torsions in unreduced Khovanov homology of nontrivial knots and the investigation inspired by Kronheimer-Mrowka's spectral sequence. Learn about the comparison of homology groups with complex coefficients and Z/2 coefficients for fibered knots, and the aim to prove the existence of 2-torsions in framed instanton homology of closed 3-manifolds obtained from S^3 by 1/2 surgery along genus 1 knots. Gain insights into this ongoing joint work with Deeparaj Bhat and Zhenkun Li, presented during the conference held at the University of Miami's Lakeside Village Pavilion in April 2023.
Fan Ye, Harvard University: 2-torsions in singular instanton homology
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