Federated Learning: Unlocking the Value of Distributed Data
Toronto Machine Learning Series (TMLS) via YouTube
Explore the concept of Federated Learning in this comprehensive 1 hour 35 minute conference talk from the Toronto Machine Learning Series (TMLS). Discover how this innovative methodology breaks down data silos by bringing machine learning model training directly to datasets, enabling more robust and effective models without centralizing data. Learn from industry experts Roshanak Houmanfar, VP of Machine Learning Products at Integrate AI, and Nasron Cheong, Platform Engineer at Integrate AI, as they delve into the benefits and challenges of implementing Federated Learning in real-world scenarios. Gain practical insights into moving this research concept into product development, and understand its potential to unlock the value of distributed data. Through a hands-on approach, familiarize yourself with the core principles and applications of Federated Learning, equipping you with knowledge to leverage this technique in your own machine learning projects.
Federated Learning Unlock the Value of Distributed Data
Taught by
Toronto Machine Learning Series (TMLS)