Explore the fascinating world of chirality and quantifying embeddability in this 42-minute lecture by Florian Frick. Delve into the combinatorics of triangulations and their role in providing upper bounds for the topology of embedding spaces. Discover generalizations of classical non-embeddability results and gain insights into the concept of achirality in spatial embeddings. Learn about chemical topology, molecular Möbius strips, and the progression from non-embeddability to chirality. Examine chirality labels, higher a-chirality, and the elements of proof involved. Investigate the mapping of embeddings, non-singular bilinear maps, and their connection to chirality. Gain a deeper understanding of these complex mathematical concepts and their applications in topology and geometry.
Chemical topology
Molecular mobius strips
Nonembeddability to chirality
General nonembeddability
Chirality result
Chirality labels
Higher a chirality
Elements of a proof
A map of embeddings
What happens to the sky
Nonsingular bilinear maps
Chirality or bilinear maps
No common binomial coefficients
Taught by
Applied Algebraic Topology Network