Variations on the Theme of GLB - Infinite-Dimensional Analogs and Representation Theory
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) via YouTube
Watch a 37-minute mathematics lecture exploring the groundbreaking work of Sergei Kerov and Anatoly Vershik on GLB, an infinite-dimensional analog of GL(n) over a finite field. Delve into the properties of this locally compact, totally disconnected group and its similarities to reductive p-adic groups. Learn about the rich representation theory of GLB through findings from Vadim Gorin, Kerov, and Vershik's research. Discover results and open problems connected to GLB and related groups, with particular attention to concepts inspired by Kirillov's orbit method. Follow along as Grigorii Olshanskii from IITP Moscow presents joint research conducted with Cesar Cuenca at the Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES).
Grigorii Olshanskii - Variations on the Theme of GLB
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Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES)