Growing Economic Freedom and Prosperity - The Case for Employee Ownership
The Aspen Institute via YouTube
Explore the benefits and impact of employee ownership in this comprehensive panel discussion featuring prominent policymakers, experts, and business leaders. Delve into how giving workers a stake in their companies can drive productivity, innovation, and profitability while empowering employees with greater economic freedom. Gain insights from special remarks by US Senator Ben Cardin and US Representative Chrissy Houlahan, followed by a panel discussion moderated by Politico's Financial Services Editor. Learn about the experiences of employee-owned businesses and their contributions to workers and the US economy. Discover how employee ownership can create a more invested workforce and potentially lead to increased business success. Access additional resources, including video, audio, transcript, and speaker bios, to further enhance your understanding of this important topic in economic policy and business management.
Growing Economic Freedom and Prosperity: The Case for Employee Ownership
Taught by
The Aspen Institute