Explore how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing childhood mental health care in this 17-minute TEDx talk by Bryn Loftness at the University of Mississippi. Discover AI-driven solutions designed to identify and predict mental health concerns in young children, addressing the challenges of communication and behavior assessment. Learn about the integration of wearable sensors, health records, and off-body sensors to gain valuable insights into human behavior and well-being. Understand how these technological advancements are transforming early detection methods, providing crucial information to parents and healthcare providers, and fostering emotional well-being from the earliest stages of life. Gain insights from Loftness, a PhD candidate and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow, as she shares her vision for applying these innovative technologies to revolutionize the modern mental health care system, focusing on the critical early years when children have the greatest potential for long-term success.
How AI can improve childhood mental health care | Bryn Loftness | TEDxUniversityofMississippi
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