Explore how open source technology is playing a crucial role in addressing global challenges in this 46-minute Linux Foundation conference talk. Discover the impact of open source during the pandemic, its importance in maintaining public trust, and its application in government digital services. Learn about code sharing practices, the benefits of open source, and various open source models. Examine the significance of transparency, the open access movement, and initiatives like the Open Covid Pledge. Gain insights into international COVID-19 research efforts, contact tracing technologies, and exposure notification systems. Understand the broader implications of open source in tackling worldwide issues and fostering collaboration across borders.
Influence of Open Source
Pandemic Requires Open Source
Keeping Public Trust
What is Open Source
Government Digital Services
Code Sharing
Open Source Benefits
Open Source Public Resources
Open Source Models
Why Transparency Matters
Open Access Movement
Open Covid Pledge
Japanese Covid Research
White House COVID19
Contact Tracing
Exposure Notification
Taught by
Linux Foundation